To you making an annoying phone call might not seem like a big deal. In fact, it’s something many of us did when we were bored teenagers. If you did, hopefully, you outgrew the prank because in this day and age, making an annoying phone call is a misdemeanor. That’s right! Each time you pick […]
Monthly Archives: April 2022
A Family Member Has Been Arrested
As far as you know it, getting arrested means that your life is pretty much over. You’re going to be kicked out of school and/ or fired from your job. You won’t get another career-focused job. You won’t get a loan, or an apartment. Your relationships with friends, family, and lovers will be ruined. This […]
What You Need to do to Prepare Yourself for Court
For the most part, your lawyer will take care of the majority of court preparation over the days and weeks leading up to your court date. However, on the actual day itself, you will need to do a few extra things to prepare and present yourself properly. Your lawyer will also give you some tips […]
Types of Pleas a Defendant can Enter When Attending Court
Anderson County Bail Bonds has bailed you out of jail and now you’re anxiously and nervously waiting for the day you have to appear in court. What do you do in the interim to prepare yourself? Read up on proper court etiquette. Do not chew gum. Dress professionally. Try to leave restless and disruptive children […]
Does Bail Need to be Posted Right Away?
You’ve just gotten a call from a loved one. They’ve been arrested. They’re scared. They know how much bail is needed but they don’t have the funds available. You’ve agreed to help but aren’t sure how much time you have to act. The first thing you need to do is stop and take a deep […]
Make Sure you Choose a Reputable Bail Bonds Agency
When you learn that one of your loved ones has been arrested and needs you to help them secure a bail bond, the kneejerk reaction is to call the first bail bonds company you see and sign a contract. Granted, there is a chance that this could work out in your favor and you could […]