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Can the Police Search Your Vehicle if You’re on Probation?

Anyone who has ever been on probation knows that it is a strange situation. No, you’re not in jail, and that’s a good thing, but at the same time, your life isn’t your own, either. Depending on the terms of your probation, you must make regular meetings with your probation officer; you may struggle with […]

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What Things Should I Consider Before Accepting a Plea Deal?

Plea bargains are arrangements that a prosecutor and defendant enter into. Either side is allowed to propose a plea bargain, but both sides must agree to the terms before it is accepted by a judge. In most cases, the prosecutor offers the defendant a significantly smaller sentence than they would receive if the case went […]

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How to Prepare for Your Arraignment Process

You should take your arraignment process very seriously. Not only is it the first time you’ll formally hear the charges you face and get to tell the court that you’re innocent or guilty, but it is also when the judge determines if you’ll be granted bail, how high that bail will be, and if any […]

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How to Keep Your Life on Track While You’re Out on Bail

Just because you have been released from jail on a bail bond doesn’t mean your life will go back to being completely normal. You’ve only been released from jail. Official criminal charges against you will still impact your living over the next few months. You must keep your life on track and organized until your […]

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Wellness Check: What Happens During and After

A Wellness check, is sometimes referred to as welfare checks, are a service offered by your local police department. At the request of a concerned person, an officer stops at a person’s house and ensures that everything is okay. You may request a wellness check for a loved one for several reasons. Common reasons to […]

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What to do if Your Car is Impounded by the Police

No one wants to have their car impounded by the police. Trying to regain possession of your vehicle is time-consuming, stressful, and can be expensive. There are several reasons why the police will impound a vehicle, including: The driver didn’t have a valid driver’s license The vehicle was not insured The vehicle was abandoned. The […]