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Are Door-to-Door Warrantless Home Searches And Seizures Legal?

The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects citizens against unreasonable searches and seizures. This means that law enforcement officers cannot search your home or person without a warrant, unless they have probable cause to believe that a crime has been committed. However, there are some exceptions to the warrant requirement. One exception is the […]

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Finding a Reliable Bail Bond Company

When someone you care about is arrested, it can be a stressful and confusing time. One of the first things you may need to do is find a bail bond company to help you get your loved one out of jail. However, not all bail bond companies are created equal. It’s important to do your […]

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Understanding the Differences Between Theft, Robbery, and Burglary

In the realm of criminal law, understanding the distinctions between theft, robbery, and burglary is crucial for both law enforcement and the general public. These three offenses share similarities, yet they differ significantly in their elements and penalties. Theft Theft, commonly referred to as larceny, involves the unlawful taking and carrying away of personal property […]

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Juvenile Marriage and Domestic Partnership: A Complex Issue with Far-Reaching Consequences

Juvenile marriage, defined as a union between individuals under the age of 18, and domestic partnerships, which involve unmarried couples living together in a committed relationship, are complex and multifaceted issues with profound implications for the individuals involved and society as a whole. This article explores the causes, consequences, and ethical considerations surrounding these practices. […]

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Motorcycle Laws in The State of Tennessee

Each state has different laws in regards to a lot of things, but what you may not think about is the difference in motorcycle laws. Tennessee has a different set of laws pertaining to motorcycles than others states. If you’re thinking about getting your motorcycle license (M1), you may want to look at all the […]

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How to Protect Yourself from Dangerous Situation

In today’s world, it is becoming increasingly important to protect ourselves from dangerous people. With the rise of crime rates and the prevalence of social media, it is easier for dangerous individuals to target unsuspecting victims. This is why it is crucial to educate ourselves on how to protect ourselves from such threats. Here are […]

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Should Parents Spy on Their Teens

As a parent, your instincts tell you to do whatever it takes to ensure that your teenager is both safe and behaving appropriately while they’re out in the world. Sometimes, watching over your teen means that they think you’re spying on them. Is this type of behavior okay? Times Have Changed Wanting to be involved […]

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Denying a Dog Entrance to Your Establishment? Think Again

As a business owner, you might think that you have the right to say whether dogs are allowed to enter, but the law often has a different opinion. This is something one restaurant owner discovered the hard way. A Sign is Ignored The evening was going smoothly in the Seafood World restaurant. The food tasted […]

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Home Security While on Vacation

Going on vacation is lots of fun but coming home and finding out that your house has been broken into isn’t. There are several things you can do to keep your home safe while you’re having a good time. Talk to Your Neighbors/Friends An abandoned house is one that attracts burglars. You want there to […]

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Fighting Back Against Cyberbullying

These days, it seems like you can’t turn on the television, radio, or computer without hearing another story about cyberbullying. While it’s a problem for adults, businesses, and even non-profit organizations, the demographic that gets the most attention is the teenage population. While bullying has always been a problem for teenagers, now that most have […]